Un fin de semana especial
Me atrevo a afirmar que éste ha sido un fin de semana especial para el grupo de sketchers de Sevilla. No sólo nos ha conquistado la forma de dibujar de Gerald, sino sobre todo su personalidad... Vaya lujazo conocer a un maestro de su talla artística y humana!!
Y si además de Gerald nos juntamos con otros compañeros maravillosos, como son el grupo de sketchers malagueño, con Luis Ruiz y Cristina Urdiales a la cabeza, y nuestros queridos acuarelistas, ¿qué tenemos?... un fin de semana entero de dibujos y risas...
Gracias a tod@s por venir...
Gracias a tod@s por compartir...
(Manu, como bien dice Inma, sólo nos has faltado tú... Un besazo!!!)
A Special Weekend
I really think that this has been a special weekend for the group of sketchers from Seville. The visit of Gerald Michel have been a great success. He has captured us not only for the way he draw, but his personality and his kindness... It is a great honor to meet a master like him!
In addition, we had the pleasant visit of our Málaga mates, with Luis Ruiz and Cristina Urdiales to the head, and our beloved watercolorists... So, what do we had? a weekend full of drawings and fun...
Thanks all for coming...
Thanks all for sharing...
(and sorry for my English... ;P)
A Special Weekend
I really think that this has been a special weekend for the group of sketchers from Seville. The visit of Gerald Michel have been a great success. He has captured us not only for the way he draw, but his personality and his kindness... It is a great honor to meet a master like him!
In addition, we had the pleasant visit of our Málaga mates, with Luis Ruiz and Cristina Urdiales to the head, and our beloved watercolorists... So, what do we had? a weekend full of drawings and fun...
Thanks all for coming...
Thanks all for sharing...
(and sorry for my English... ;P)
Como molan las fotacas! Como me las pudo bajar? Emilio tú que los sabes todo del mundo virtual....
ResponderEliminarHas probado con el botón derecho del ratón?
EliminarLas fotos son de Juan Carrasco (alias, Juan Pucha)... Te las mando, Inma!!... :)
EliminarAnda, Emilio! Pos sí...
EliminarUn beso enorme para tod@s... No os imagináis las ganas que tengo de verme dibujando con vosotros...!!!!!
ResponderEliminarCada vez queda un poquito menos... el día que vengas te vamos a hacer la ola!!! XD
EliminarEl tsunami, mejor!